
Shoot film? Interested in shooting film? You should submit your work to filmzblog!

We have submission options for all levels of filmz skillz.


All submissions should be sent to

We accept images that have been scanned from either negatives, or scans/pictures of images that were printed from negatives/Polaroid’s/other film. We also accept digital photographs of film pictures.  Please do not send us images that were originally shot with a digital camera.

Filmzblog is about film, which means that we are interested in what film can do, not what Photoshop can do. If you’ve cropped, tweaked the white balance, removed dust spots, removed scanner artifacts, dogged, burned, increased/decreased contrast, turned a color image to b&w we’re cool with that. However please do not send us images that have been manipulated beyond what could happen in a darkroom. Telephone lines ruining your composition? We feel your pain but don’t clone stamp it out. Got some totally awesome actions that you like using? Save it for your digital work! We are only interested in honest composites of film. Thank you for respecting the spirit of filmzblog.

Guest Photographers

We would love to feature your work! We are interested in stand-alone images as well as long term and ongoing projects. Please send us a brief statement that describes the images you are submitting and tells us a little about you and your work. Also tell us what kind of camera/cameras and film/filmz you used to create these images. If you’ve got them, be sure to include any links to your professional website, portfolio, or personal project so that we can include them when we post your work. Image Files should be between 600-900 pixels.

Disposable Day

Please see the Disposable Day prompt for more information and guidelines for submission.


Choose a character or scene from novel that you enjoy and attempt to reenact it. We recommend using a whole roll of film (or more) so that you have plenty of choices. Send us one photograph that you feel  best represents the scene or character that you are depicting and e-mail it to us, along with the title, author of the book you have chosen, and a brief description of what's going on in your picture. Feel free to use any kind of film camera (including disposables). For inspiration we recommend perusing Cindy Sherman's film stills.   

*above picture taken by Lauren using a double exposure on a diana. Topsail Island, North Carolina, 2010

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